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The way that we live, work, learn and play has shifted dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. 当我们在这些未知的水域航行时, 我们所有人都必须重新设想在工作中保持联系的方式, 与家庭和社会团体. Fortunately, 越来越多的技术, 包括新的5G网络, can provide much-needed connections with others — and help all of us to feel less isolated.

Today, families are using video chat applications to hold virtual weekend gatherings. Strength and conditioning coaches are streaming daily workouts from their garages to motivate healthy behavior. Educators are turning to a variety of technology tools to deliver live lectures, 上传视频会议,并与学生分享白板课程. And for the elderly and those who provide care for them, connectivity technology is critical.

Courtney Combe, 精神科医师助理, not only moved to 100% telemedicine visits with her patients during this COVID-19 pandemic, she also moved her two-year-old daughter’s birthday party to videoconference. “Not being able to have an in-person birthday party was harder on the grandparents than it was on my daughter.”

For Combe, the important thing was to create a special experience for her daughter. 而大家庭只通过电脑屏幕参加, the decorations, birthday cake and presents were like any birthday party under normal circumstances. “她不会记得她的两岁生日派对,库姆继续解释道, ,但我们录下了家人唱“生日快乐”时的视频通话,我们拍了很多照片供她回忆. It’s pretty cool that we have the technology to easily pull off a virtual party like this.”

“It’s pretty cool that we have the technology to easily pull off a virtual party like this.”
Courtney Combe

Exercise coaches are using virtual technology to connect with and encourage people, 无论他们的物理位置如何. Noelle Lyon, 国家认证的团体运动教练, 她说虚拟教学的能力对她的学生来说是一个很大的帮助.

“I would say that 100% of my students are much more apt to have someone guide them through an exercise routine than they would be to try and do it themselves,” Lyon said. “在线教学对我来说是不同的,但很有趣. 我忙着自己的事,教这个班, 时不时地, 我会让每个参与者说点什么. 通过数字网络空间感受到同志情谊的感觉真好.”

Musicians have turned social media into virtual venues to remind us all that music can uplift our spirits and connect us in ways that in-person concerts never could. Singer, songwriter and drummer by trade, George Hrab of Pennsylvania has begun liverstream表演 代替延期的旅行. Hrab observed a huge shift in the relationship between audiences and artists, who traditionally are separated by physical barriers and security guards at concerts. He explains, “这可能是一件非常亲密的事情,,因为表演者会实时看到你输入给他们的内容.

适合独居的老年人,他们喜欢住在自己熟悉的家里, technology can be a boon — allowing for easy connectivity with loved ones and providing access to health care via telemedicine. 许多人都在使用社交媒体, messaging and videoconferencing to maintain the human connection that is so essential despite the current obstacles. And increasingly, seniors are turning to telemedicine to receive a wide range of health services from their doctors without having to travel to a health care facility.

Noelle Lyon


All these examples of staying connected and engaged during times of isolation are made possible by technology that didn’t exist even just five years ago. Imagine what this isolated lifestyle would be like if the COVID-19 pandemic happened in 2005 when smartphones didn’t exist, 视频聊天是粗鲁和基本的, 在线服务才刚刚起步. Additionally, 当时全球的蜂窝网络还在使用3G, 我们的手机除了语音通话功能非常有限.

The rollout of 5G, the fifth-generation cellular network that features downloading speeds reportedly 100 times faster than that of 4G (and about 500 times faster than 3G), is accelerating performance in a time that needs connectivity and bandwidth more than ever.

了解“宅在家”是如何影响网络的, 让我们来看看康卡斯特有线的一些数据, 美国最大的视频和高速互联网提供商之一. According to Comcast, voice over IP (VoIP) and videoconferencing use were up 212% and VPN traffic was up 40% during the March 1-30, 2020, COVID-19的传播导致人们采取就地避难的做法.

This dramatic increase in network traffic is requiring the communications industry — from internet service providers to data center infrastructure companies — to add capacity and engineering resources necessary to handle spikes and shift in use patterns. Ultimately, 全球用户数据量呈爆炸式增长, putting strain on networks to store and move this data without performance bottlenecks.


To keep vast quantities of data moving efficiently for worldwide connectivity, 云服务器和将它们连接在一起的网络需要大量内存. Today’s cloud services offer virtually infinite amounts of capacity to satisfy our escalating needs for video-, 音频和直播. 对内存的需求只会越来越大, 无论是在云端还是在边缘, as up-and-coming technologies (like artificial intelligence and virtual reality) become more prevalent in data centers and even in personal devices.

For connectivity applications to continue providing quality user experiences, 他们必须结合使用云和 intelligent edge 实时处理大量的数据. With 5G, 用户设备产生的数据量加快, 需要存储更多的数据, moved, 有效地处理和保护. 

美光一直走在最前沿 记忆体与储存技术今天,我们凭借强大、快速的DRAM存储芯片占据了这个位置, 以及我们的高密度NAND闪存. We are committed to helping keep the world’s 5G connections flowing by delivering memory innovation and engineering expertise to our customers and partners.

Knowing that Micron is doing our part to help everyone tune into the world outside our doors, 即使我们待在室内, 给我们一种赋权的感觉. 当我们不能亲自去看望我们所爱的人时, 科技可以充当第二套眼睛和耳朵, 增加联系,也许还能减轻我们的忧虑.

Learn more at kapilmodi.com/5gmemory.
